
Patricia Johnson 帕特丽夏·约翰逊 

美国 America


  曾先后于美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)、台湾大同大学(Tatung University)、美国普拉特艺术学院(Pratt Institute)、加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、加拿大安大略艺术设计学院(OCAD University)、加拿大雪尔顿学院(Sheridan Institute of Animation)任教。

主要著作有:New Caribbean Design: Revitalising Place-Based Products. (Design Roots, Stuart Walker, Tom Cassidy, Martyne Evans, and, Amy Trigger Holroyd, eds.); On the Edge: Design Practice and Problem Solving in Local Contexts. (Design Principles and Practices Conference Paper); Craft and Design and the Fiction of Studio Furniture. (Crafting New Traditions. Alan Elder and Melanie Egan, eds.)等。